The leading causes that contribute to obesity are: eating excessively, getting insufficient exercise, and malnutrition. However, there are other secondary causes related to our culture that are not commonly mentioned. Overeating is evidently one of the predominant blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Causes of obesity In the modern world there is easy supply and availability of food and people do not have too many difficulties to get food. With easy availability of food, people fail to distinguish between what is healthy and what is blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins In most cases, obesity is caused through a combination of genetic susceptibility, a lack of or inadequate physical activity, excessive intake of food. Some cases of obesity are primarily caused by mental disorder, medications, endocrine disorders or blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
Obesity: Causes and Effects | My Essay Point
Well, cause of obesity essay, health is the most important asset and wealth that we have in our life. A proper health will help us be confident and successful and we can perform our assigned tasks with full dedication.
The common ones are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. One is about turning overweight and fat while the other talks about choosing to stay thin. Along with these two, it is important to know what obesity is all about. Obesity is not called an eating disorder. In general, obesity does not include proper eating patterns or habits. Irregular eating patterns ultimately contribute to the cause of eating disorders, not obesity.
Anorexia nervosa is the scientific name given to the disorder in which a person is afraid of gaining weight and turning fat. They may be underweight by nature, but the phobia of gaining unnecessary weight pushes them into a stress zone.
Generally women are known to be suffering heavily from such phobias and in most cases; it may not be a serious issue. On account of this disorder, people tend to show specific signs of anxiety. People may suffer from two types of anorexia nervosa. One is binge eating or purging or we can also call it over-eating and the other is the restrictive type wherein people feed very limited meals to themselves.
In binge eating or purging, the person consumes large quantity of food compared to normal intakes. On the other hand, people who restrict themselves to limited quantities of food, people consider many factors like calorie intake, the carbohydrate intake factor etc. They control the intake of calories as well. In bulimia nervosa, the person does not have any control over binge eating. Binge eating is involved in both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The difference between the two is that in anorexia nervosa the person is underweight while in bulimia nervosa the person has a normal weight or is overweight.
Binge eating is also one very common eating disorder. People who suffer from this disorder generally think a lot about their shape and weight. In the modern world there is easy supply and availability of food and people do not have too many difficulties to get food.
With easy availability of food, people fail to distinguish between what is healthy and what is not. They fail to glance through what food suits their body type and what does not. Consumption of excess food gets stored as fat in our bodies. Increased fat makes our body look bulky, without proper shape and leads to excess storage of lipids in muscles. This has become a major cause for all health problems in the world today. By calculating cause of obesity essay BMI, we can easily conclude whether a person is underweight, normal or overweight.
There could be health complications ranging from cancer, cause of obesity essay, diabetes, high cholesterol issues, heart diseases, cause of obesity essay and arthritis.
Whether we have a sedentary or active lifestyle goes a long way in deciding the extent of these diseases in our body. Obesity may be caused due to genetic factors too.
Body hormones are also responsible for weight regulation, cause of obesity essay. Family history and socio-cultural influences also play a significant role in attaining obesity, cause of obesity essay.
Sometimes it is in the family genes due to which a person does not cause of obesity essay weight no matter how much they eat. Fast food joints are present all over cities and at every corner of the street. We are also influenced by the food shown to us through advertisements. The food is advertised in such a way that will tempt us to consume it.
We will not think whether the food is healthy or not. The type of food we eat is also affected by our culture, cause of obesity essay. We consume foods which are commonly consumed in our culture and our region. Family also plays an important role in the choice of foods. The families which always prefer healthy food remain fit. But those who consume high calorie foods have higher chances of getting obesity.
Obesity can be treated by suitable lifestyle modifications, proper medication and bariatric surgery. Modifications in our lifestyle have a lot of positive effect but it may take some time to adapt to new lifestyle changes.
Good changes in diet teamed with regular exercise and proper amount of calorie intake will control and prevent obesity. But it is not very easy to achieve this as shown through advertisements. A good determination and a positive state of mind will help achieve good results at a faster rate. Some people prefer medications to treat obesity. This can be carried out by taking medications which will either absorb the nutrients or reduce the eating.
Bariatric surgery is the most efficient treatment for obesity. The storage capacity of the stomach becomes less. But a decision for the same should be taken after expert doctor consultations and the risks associated should definitely be discussed. As obesity has become a major problem in the world, people these days teach their children about side effects of obesity from their childhood itself, cause of obesity essay.
It is a lifelong ailment. It should be treated once you know your body is gaining additional weight. If the child suffers from obesity from childhood itself, it may become dangerous for the child during adulthood. So, proper knowledge must be given at the right time. There should be proper eating habits and also regular physical exercises. Eating disorders can be treated through proper consultations and doctor advises. But people suffering from these disorders will be conflicted with many ideas and thoughts regarding their health.
They may hesitate cause of obesity essay a doctor to get treated. Even though there is treatment for these disorders, people should try to stay away from improper lifestyle and irregular and imbalanced food eating habits. At present, cause of obesity essay, people have easy access to internet and they should make good use of it. They can easily read from blogs about nutritious and balanced food items that are good for the body.
They will keep a person healthy. Proper food intake along with exercises and a positive state of mind are essential elements to remain fit. If the person cause of obesity essay prefers eating and there is no physical activity in the body, then the body becomes lazy. This will further give rise to many health problems which may turn into huge complications in due course of time. Thus, it is better to prevent them than to cure them when one becomes a victim of lifestyle diseases.
There are cause of obesity essay ways to maintain a proper health. Some of them are- exercise, eating nutritious food, maintaining a balanced diet, regular intake of water and staying happy. Our society is developing at a very fast pace due to which no one has proper time to consume the right food. This is the reason why people adapt to eating of junk food, fast food which is totally unhealthy.
If cause of obesity essay person does not maintain proper health, there are chances they will develop heart problems, obesity, too much loss or gain in weight and many other common diseases and ailments.
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Causes \u0026 Effects of Obesity. Writing Demonstration.
, time: 32:34Essay on Obesity : Causes, Effects, Prevention & Solution

· Tiffany Nali Period 3 May 20, Cause and Effect Essay on Obesity Obesity is one of the main topics in America including one of the main reasons of death.- (begin with a subject) Detecting obesity is easy, but treating it can be very hard to do. Never have there have been so many teens and children not only overweight but obese (World Obesity Federation, ). Obesity can be calculated by BMI which is body mass index. Obesity means BMI greater than (ibid). This essay will outline the causes and effects of obesity. Diet, lifestyle, toxic environment and the causes of obesity are physical, psychological and economic are impacts. One fundamental cause of obesity is diet 2 days ago · Obesity has been proven to influence the likelihood and cause and effect of obesity essay of many conditions and disease, most especially diabetes of type 2, cardiovascular diseases, sleeplessness that is obstructive, depression, cause and effect of obesity essay
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